Sunday, December 4, 2011


So it feels good to be finished with school.
I don't know if it's the same for everyone,
but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I'm genuinely happy.
For the first time since before I can remember.
There is no stress with teachers or playground drama.
No worries about tests and that feeling the opposite of accomplishment from never doing anything.
There are no worries.

On top of this I got a job, finally :)
I literally walked out of my interview with the goofiest grin on my face and made one of those little major excited squeee's you get, while walking down the street.
I might have even skipped a little bit.
And after the first pay went in?
Oh my god.
It feel so good to be able to rely on myself again.
And to be able to pay my mum back for the few things I had to ask for her help with.
It is amazing the self-fulfillment you can get, just from having an income.

I am rambling on, but I haven't written a blog in forever, so I'm just going to cause I'm on a role and avoiding sleep. This is your warning :P

Schoolies was awesome :)
I am the goon queen.
And I am very proud of that fact ^_^ even though I probably shouldn't be..
but I don't care, cause I had fun!
And I have a new found love for tequila shots :P
And fucking hate barcardi. So glad I didn't have what J had on that trip.
That week, was the best week of my life.
Everything began that week.
It signalled the end of school.
I got my job that week.
I let go.
I feel like an entirely new person after that trip.
It's like I was reborn, and yes it would have happened without it as well, but it is symbolic to me now.
I just let go.
Let go, had fun, relaxed; I found my Hakuna Matata.
Prime example, I didn't even move a muscle when my car got dented.
THAT is saying something.

I have the best job in the world.
The greatest friends that I love to absolute death;
I don't know what I would do without them.
You guys are my world,
My rocks,
My anchors,
My gravity. <------ LOL the twilight imprinting reference that flew through my head when I typed this!
I love you <3
I have the most amazing dog that I would do anything for, and if that other dog today actually went at you man, well fuck I would have died before he got you without a fight. I don't give a shit how big of a boxer he was. I would have fought him the fuck away and killed that bitch no matter the damage.
I have a mother that I've only began to truely appreciate this past year.
But love all the more for it.
I can tell her anything, and do, without even meaning to.
She's brilliant :)

OO! I finally made a bolognaise that I'm soooo so proud of! it was amazing! finally one that is in league with my brother and fathers :) So happy!
And I learnt this week how to make lasagna by myself :)
AND I got DB, DBZ, DBGT, plus the movies.
Which I can play through our tv.

On top of all this, I've had the greatest nights out with my beautiful Wifey.
Who happens to be the most persistent person about 'hot potatos'.
You're the most fucking cutest, adorable thing ever!!!
Honestly I think I get just as cutied out inside as you do! lol
Thankyou for a brilliant week away.
Thankyou for pushing/tripping me over a few steps the other day.
Thankyou for dessi'ing.
Thankyou for being you.
And thankyou for taking it into account when I asked you to stop what was irritating me so much.
I appreciate that so much.
I love you <3

I love all of you I call my friends.
Ace gang, councellors, ninjatic, dbz, slushy runs, books, nerves, step up. Everybody.

I really do hope that everyone comes to the sense of peace and achievement that I have come to.
Because it feels amazing.
Life is just amazing now.

This is what I've been waiting for.
This is the rest of my life.

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